Flow Cytometry & Immune Profiling
Our state-of-the-art flow cytometry core facility offers cutting edge instrumentation as well as strong technical expertise in flow cytometry in general. Multiparametric flow cytometry will help you to get a better understanding of:
- The immune phenotype from a wide range of different mouse tissues (spleen, liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes, colon, etc.)
- Biomarkers expressed by mouse tissues or tumors
- Drug mechanism of actions and therapeutic efficacy
- 3 Attune NxT (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- 14 channels each for complex human immune cell panel detection
- 96 well plate auto-samplers
- gentleMACS ™ Octo Dissociator with heaters
- BD FACS Melody ™ Single Cell sorter: 9 colors
- MultiMACS ™ Cell24 Separator Plus
- Vetscan Hematology Analyzer
- Vetscan Chemestry Analyzer
- Countess II Automated Cell Counter
Technological Pipelines:
- Panel design and Multiparametric flow cytometry analysis (Flow Jo)
- Tumor immune infiltration (TIL) phenotype
- Multiplex cytokines analysis
- Cell sorting and single cell sorting